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Exploring the environs of Kapolcs

Заполни маршрут на свой ГЛОНАС как файл ГПХ
Teljes táv: 29 km
Össz. emelkedő:  310 m
Össz. lejtő: -310 m
Magasság max.: 316 m
Magasság min.: 175 m

KapolcsTaliándörögdÖcsPulaNagyvázsonyVigántpetend Kapolcs

Length: 28,5 km
Inclination: 371 m
Difficulty: Medium
Road conditions: 41% low traffic road, 25% medium traffic road, 17% cart track, 10% dirt road, 7% high traffic road

The bike tour explores the area around Kapolcs, leading through historical villages, forests, fields, hills and also visiting Nagyvázsony which is known for its medieval castle. We can see many things along the road, including a space communications base and monastery ruins. The terrain is not plain, includes a few slopes, so it is mostly recommenced for fit bikers.

We begin the tour in Kapolcs at the church, and we turn right on Jókai Street and cycle towards Taliándörögd. Between the two villages, in the valley of the Rákos Stream we ride on a track between the fields with a slight slope. After going through the atmospheric village center of Taliándörögd, we arrive at the picturesque ruins if the Saint Andrew Church. It's an ideal site for getting some rest, as the route to Öcs will include a few slopes.

We come down from the ruins on the cart track leading along the village, then turn left on a concrete road towards Öcs. The roads to and along the somewhat surreal Intersputnik Space Communications Base. The base was operational until 2006, but its antennas are still a unique sight. After leaving it behind, the terrain gets hilly, prepare for some ups and downs.

Approaching Pula, we leave the highway and climb up the hill on a stabilized dirt road, then we cycle among the fields, cross Road 77 and reach Nagyvázsony. If we are thirsty, we will find drinkable water at the Kinizsi könnye (Tears of Kinizsi) Spring in the Valley of the Vázsonyi-Séd Stream. It is best to have some rest at the Kinizsi Castle.

Leaving Nagyvázsony, we can stop by the ruins of the St. James Church. We cycle on the highway and reach the forest where after a slope we can descend on a pleasent serpentine road to Vigántpetend. Our starting point, Kapolcs is not far from here.